Teaching & Leading


Assurance Framework

Domain Three

Teaching and Leading


Teachers and leaders will have the capacity to analyzing the learning context; attending to local and societal considerations; and applying the appropriate knowledge and abilities to make decisions resulting in quality teaching, leading and optimum learning for all.


  • Teachers and leaders respond with skill and competence to the unique learning needs, interests and cultural, social and economic circumstances of all.
  • Teachers and leaders improve their professional practice through collaborative engagement in processes of growth, supervision and evaluation.
  • Collaboration amongst teachers, leaders, students and their families, and other professionals enables optimum learning.
  • Teachers and leaders use a range of data arising from their practice to inform cycles of evidence-based continuous learning.

Primary Strategies

  • Provide teachers and support staff the opportunity to analyze stakeholder Assurance data sets to inform the design of school strategies and performance measurements.
  • Creating opportunities for school and divisional Professional Learning Networks (PLN) to collaborate on developing strategies that focus on the development of the whole child in alignment with the Third Path conditions.
  • Develop localized Third Path cohorts to support the implementation of the eight condition strategies that best align to school context. 
  • School collaboration to share and organize FNMI resources and teaching strategies during local PD.
  • Home Schooling Facilitators organize existing FNMI resources at the Vermilion and Lethbridge centers, and potential field trips ideas to share with parents.

OnGoing Strategies

  • Developing an Assurance continuous improvement planning cycle to engage educational stakeholders in the development of division. goals, strategies, and performance measures that support the success of all students.
  • Professional development support focusing on analyzing PAT and Diploma results to inform instruction and assessment practices.
  • Provide teacher collaboration time to develop teaching and assessment practices that assist teachers in preparing to teach grades or courses that require PAT or Diploma assessments.
  • Personal teacher contact with parents to continue the improvement of PAT participation rates.
  • Diploma PLC to increase awareness of "best practice" strategies for improvement and implementation as a team.
  • Staff collaboration opportunities in monthly divisional meetings, and sharing section of monthly staff meetings.

Performance Measures


Domain Three - Local Performance Measures:

  • Student Gr 4 - Q8 I know that my teacher wants me to do my best work. - 100% - Goal - 100%
  • Student  Gr 7-12 - Q11 How satisfied are you with teachers challenging you to do your best at school? - 97% very satisfied or satisfied - Goal 100%
  • Teachers - Q13 - How satisfied are you that the professional development activities offered are of high quality? 64% very satisfied or satisfied - Goal 75%
  • Support Staff - Q23 - How satisfied are you the school Division is a good place to teach, to learn and grow? 80% very satisfied or satisfied - Goal 90%
  • Parent Q26 How satisfied are you with the overall quality of education your child is receiving in this school? - 96% - Goal 98%
  • Dedicate part of 1 PD day to FNMI collaborations between teachers.

Domain Three - Provincial Performance Measures:

  • Quality Of Education - 89.6% Province, 87.5% SOH - Goal 90%
“We teach; we share; we learn; we care. We grow in Christ, believing that together we can make a difference.” Alberta Public Catholic Education. © 2024 East Central Catholic Schools. All rights reserved.