Shared Responsibility (Blended) Programs
A Shared (Blended) program is a combination of Parent Directed and Teacher Directed courses. Sharing allows for the development of a flexible program for students.
- If a course is selected as Teacher Directed, the rules and guidelines applying to Teacher Directed Programs are followed.
- If a course is selected as Parent Directed, the rules and guidelines applying to Parent Directed programs are followed.
- Students have to be registered in a minimum of 50-80% Teacher Directed course weight.
- Students choosing to study in a Shared Responsibility/Blended Program cannot register in more than one school, and % of Teacher vs Parent course totals cannot change after September 30th.
Students in a Shared Program are eligible for funding in the amount that is proportionate to their Parent-Directed program percentage on September 30th . For example:
- A student in grade 1-9 is blended at 30% Parent-Directed. The student would be eligible for 30% of $850 = $255 available in Parent-Directed funding.
- Support is available for the Teacher-Directed portion of the student's program accordingly (see Teacher-Directed Program Support Overview).