Student Registration

 2024-25 School Year Registration 

Please review the program options below, and do not hesitate to contact us to discuss which program would best suit your needs. If you are sure of your program choice and are ready to do so, please follow the link below.


We are proud to announce the addition of Kindergarten (Early Childhood Services) in our Hope Homeschooling program.

  • A child may be enrolled  if she/he will be four (4) years & eight (8) months of age by Aug 31 of that school year.
  • Alberta Education funding available to parents is $450.
  • The same requirements and facilitator visitation schedule that applies to our gr. 1-12 homeschooling programs apply to our kindergarten homeschooling students as well.

We Offer 3 program choices:

  • Online Learning (Teacher Directed) This program covers the Alberta Education curriculum using certified teachers with online lessons available.
  • Shared (Online & Traditional) Students are between 50% - 80% Online courses with teachers, with a maximum of 50% homeschool courses with their parents.
  • Homeschooling (Traditional Parent Directed) Parents are responsible for the student's program. A facilitator will setup, support, and evaluate student progress.

For more information about our three program choices click here.


Need help choosing the best program for your child to click here?

Program Choice 

If you have enough information and have made a program choice, let's get started!

 (For all other inquiries or registrations please call our office at the help number below) 

Need Help? Email [email protected] or call the SOH office at 1-888-350-4673 ext 3101


  • Registering with our school district. You will need a copy of the original birth certificate and any other pertinent legal documentation, such as custody or guardianship orders, MUST accompany registration.  This can easily be done by taking a picture of the documentation and uploading it into the program.

“We teach; we share; we learn; we care. We grow in Christ, believing that together we can make a difference.” Alberta Public Catholic Education. © 2024 East Central Catholic Schools. All rights reserved.