Program Choices

Welcome to the School of Hope's courses. Here you will find information on subjects, learning resources, and more.

Our courses are divided into elementary, junior high, and senior high. Elementary courses run from grades 1 to 6, junior high from grades 7 to 9, and senior high from 10 to 12.

Every individual who at Sept 1 in a year is five (5) years & eight (8) months of age or older and younger then nineteen (19) years of age and who is:

  • A Canadian citizen;
  • Lawfully admitted to Canada for permanent residence;
  • A child of a Canadian citizen; or
  • A child of an individual who is lawfully admitted to Canada for permanent or temporary residence

Is entitled to have access in that year to an education program

We are proud to announce the addition of Kindergarten (Early Childhood Services) in our Hope Homeschooling program

  • A child may be enrolled  if she/he will be four (4) years & eight (8) months of age by Aug 31 of that school year. 
  • Alberta Education funding available to parents is $450.
  • The same requirements and facilitator visitation schedule that applies to our gr. 1-12 homeschooling programs apply to our kindergarten homeschooling students as well.

Students older then nineteen (19) years of as of Sept 1 may choose to enroll with a tuition fee.

Browsing through resources

Three Program Choices

Choose the program that's right for you:

Online Program (Teacher-Directed)

An asynchronous online program where a student works on their subjects at their own pace, under the guidance of a certificated teacher. This path leads directly to a full Alberta Education graduation certificate

Parent Role
Parents are expected to be in the home supporting and encouraging the student during the school day.

Teacher Role
Teachers direct the program using Live Online lessons and the Canvas Learning Management System. They interact and assess subjects via live lessons, telephone, fax, Gmail, and work submitted. Teachers are available to help students at every step of the learning process.

Student Role
Students are encouraged to attend live online lessons, they are required to regularly contact their teachers via Gmail, fax, or telephone regarding assignments, projects, or exams.

Online Elementary

Online Junior High

Online High School

The Shared Program (Traditional and Online)

A Shared (Blended) program is a combination of Parent Directed and Teacher Directed courses.

  • If a course is selected as Teacher Directed, the rules and guidelines applying to Teacher Directed Programs are followed.
  • If a course is selected as Parent Directed, the rules and guidelines applying to Parent Directed programs are followed.

Parent Role
Parents choose to direct some subjects and teachers direct others. Parents plan and direct programs for parent-directed subjects.

Teacher Role
Teachers are responsible for delivering the content and assessing the teacher-directed subjects.

Student Role
In teacher-directed subjects, students' roles from online. Students interact with parents for parent-directed subjects.

Shared Program

Homeschooling (Traditional Parent Directed Program)

A program where the parents are responsible for the student's program. A facilitator will help with setup and support and evaluate student progress.

Parent Role
The parent plans and directs their child's educational program at home. Parents provide a program plan to the Facilitator.
Teacher Role
Facilitator supports and supervises the program, providing a minimum of two home visits per year. Facilitators assist high school students with assessment, credit information, and career planning.
Student Role
Students interact with parents for the entire program and receive support from their Facilitator/Teacher Adviser.

Home Schooling

Each program offers:

  • Support of your personalized program
  • A comprehensive program for high school students
  • A dedicated staff of experienced Alberta certificated teachers whose primary aim is to serve students and their families
  • An Educational Program Plan checklist
  • A dedicated office staff, Central Office staff, and Board of Trustees
  • Newsletters
  • Group meetings in major centers of the province
  • Personalized service by all program personnel

Need help you choosing the right program for your family?

Program Choice

“We teach; we share; we learn; we care. We grow in Christ, believing that together we can make a difference.” Alberta Public Catholic Education. © 2024 East Central Catholic Schools. All rights reserved.